布鲁塞尔自由大学(ULB)Albert Goldbeter教授来访红宝石官方网站hbs160
时间: 2018-09-30  作者:   浏览次数: 11

      Albert Goldbeter教授于2018年9月29日至我学院访问交流。Goldbeter教授任职于布鲁塞尔自由大学(ULB),是比利时皇家科学院(ARB)院士。他的研究领域包括细胞调节中阈值现象的分析和细胞层次的生物节律的数学建模。 


On Sept. 29, 2018, Prof. Albert Goldbeter visited our school. Prof. Goldbeter, a member of the Class of Sciences, Royal Academy of Belgium (ARB), is a professor at Free University of Brussels (ULB). His researches focus on the ****ysis of threshold phenomena in cellular regulation and the mathematical modeling of the mechani** of cellular rhythms.

During the visit, Prof. Goldbeter delivered an inspiring and exciting talk titled “Modeling Cellular Rhythms” to our faculty members and students. In this talk, he offered a comprehensive overview of biological rhythms and of modeling approaches to their underlying mechani**s.  Then he focused on two major examples of rhythmic behavior at the cellular level: the circadian clock and the cell cycle. He used these examples to illustrate the evolutionary nature of modeling biological systems. His talk was followed by a brain-storming meeting with Prof. Chen and Prof. Xiao. Possible collaboration projects on understanding the digestive systems were discussed. Finally, Dr. Peng Wu showed guests around our lab in building 911.

图1. Albert Goldbeter教授做“细胞层次的生物节律的模拟”学术报告

Figure 1 Prof. Goldbeter is delivering a talk titled “Modeling Cellular Rhythms”


图3. 访问结束后双方合影留念

   Figure 3 Both sides took a group photo after the discussion