法国农业科学研究院Romain Jeantet一行来访
时间: 2019-11-06  作者:   浏览次数: 18

10月6日-10月11日,法国农业科学研究院(INRA)研究部主任Romain Jeantet一行到我院进行交流访问,一行7人与院长陈晓东教授及其团队就化工领域的科研热点问题进行了很好的交流。我院与INRA在学生联合培养以及科研合作等方面的工作均已开展,此次访问交流是我们团队多年来持续与INRA合作的结晶,将使得双方开展更加深入广泛的合作交流。





From October 6th to October 11th, Professor  Romain Jeantet, Director of the French National Institute for Agricultural  Research, hereinafter ‘INRA’, with a group of 7 people visited our school. Professor  Chen Xiaodong and Professor Romain Jeantet’s team conducted research on hot  topics in the chemical industry. We have long collaboration projects history with  INRA, in past 6year, more than 20 French exchange students join in Professor  Chen Xiaodong’s lab to carry out the research . This visit is the  crystallization of our team's continuous cooperation with INRA for those years,  which will enable the two sides to carry out more in-depth and extensive  cooperation and exchanges. 

Finally, Professor  Chen Xiaodong showed guests around our lab in building 911. 



图1. 陈晓东教授与Romain Jeantet教授分别致欢迎辞

Figure 1. Professor Chen Xiaodong and Professor Romain Jeantet respectively gave welcome speeches



Figure2. Academic reports


Figure3. Two groups together