张露 Lu zhang-红宝石官方网站材化部红宝石官方网站hbs160
时间: 2021-07-19  作者:   浏览次数: 5
张露 Lu zhang
2014 博士


Address:199 Ren'ai Road,Suzhou, Jiangsu, China







Education and career:

Lu Zhang is a joint PhD student between School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering in Soochow University and the Laboratory of Food Process Engineering in Wageningen University. Her PhD project is “Bioactive ingredients during mini-bread baking”. The objectives of this project are to provide deeper understanding of the interaction between the baking process and the active ingredients, gain insights on the inactivation mechani**s of active ingredients during baking and explore possible strategies to better retain their bioactivity.

Project Introduction:

Exploration of an innovative miniature bread baking approach

Although bread baking has been practiced for very long time, comprehensive understanding of the baking processes is still lacking. Physical phenomena such as heat and mass mtransfer, ingredient conversions, textural development, and crust formation are coupled and these complex interactions strongly affect final quality of the bread product. Previous scientific studies carried out baking experiments with regular sized breads, which is labour intensive and does not allow generation of large data sets. In this work, inspired by a Chinese snack food among children (Figure 1A), the conception of making miniature breads is put forward in order to explore an economical and time-saving experimental approach to study the bread baking process in depth (Figure 1B). It will be employed to systematically investigate transport phenomena during baking and how these interact to bread quality development. Specifically, the miniature bread baking system will be evaluated for studying the influence of baking on the added functionality of heat and moist sensitive components such as probiotic bacteria and enzymes. Experimental data can be obtained under very well-defined conditions and will provide a basis to calibrate existing mathematical baking models and inactivation kinetics that describe loss of bio-active components. Generated experimental data and modelling will be used to design baking procedures that better retain functionality of components.



1. Lu Zhang, Song Huang, Victoria Kristina Ananingsih, Weibiao Zhou, Xiao Dong Chen*. A study on Bifidobacteriumlactis Bb12 viability in bread during baking. Journal of Food Engineering 2014,122,33-37.

2. Lu Zhang, Liming Che, Weibiao Zhou, Xiao Dong Chen*. Rheological Behavior of Agar Solution in Relation to the Making of Instant Edible Birds Nest products. International Journal of Food Engineering 2012, 8(3), Article 10.

3. Song Huang, Yi Yang, Nan Fu, Qing Qin, Lu Zhang, Xiao Dong Chen*. Calcium-Aggregated Milk: a potential new option for improving the viability of Lactic Acid Bacteria under heat stress. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2014, 7(11), 3147-3155.

4. Lu Zhang, Xiao Dong Chen*. Bakery products in China, in Bakery Products: Science and Technology (2nd edition) 2014, Wiley-Blackwell.

5. Lu Zhang, Song Huang, AdityaPutranto, Weibiao Zhou, Remko M. Boom, Maarten A. I. Schutyser, Xiao Dong Chen*. Miniature bread: browning kinetics during baking and its potential use as effective probiotic carrier. Food Research International (to be submitted).