伍鹏 Peng Wu
时间: 2021-11-02  作者:   浏览次数: 46




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邮箱: p.wu@suda.edu.cn








主持江苏省高等学校自然科学基金面上项目和企业横向项目各1项。作为项目骨干参与国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项和国家自然科学基金面上项目等。截至目前发表SCI论文45篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文26篇,ESI高被引论文2篇,总被引约700次。担任Food & Funct., J. Agri. Food Chem., Food Chem., J. Food Eng.,等期刊审稿人。参编溶出度技术专著1部,授权国家发明专利2项。


  1. Peng, Z., Wu, P*., Wang, J., Dupont, D., Menard, O., Jeantet, R., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Achieving realistic gastric emptying curve in an advanced dynamic in vitro human digestion system: experiences with cheese—a difficult to empty material. Food & Function, 12(9), 3965-3977. (IF: 5.396; 一区, TOP)

  2. Chen, X. D., & Wu, P*. (2021). A practical perspective for a conservative estimate of blood glucose level during restaurant dining and supermarket shopping. Foods10(2), 444. (IF: 4.350; 一区, TOP)

  3. Iqbal, S., Wu, P*., Kirk, T. V., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Amylose content modulates maize starch hydrolysis, rheology, and microstructure during simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Food Hydrocolloids110, 106171. (IF: 9.147; 二区,TOP, 高被引论文)

  4. Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D. (2021). Validation of in vitro bioaccessibility assays-A key aspect in the rational design of functional foods towards tailored bioavailability. Current Opinion in Food Science, 39, 160-170. (IF: 6.031; 二区)

  5. Liu, Z. D., Wang, J., Li, L., & Wu, P*. (2021). Mechanistic insights into the role of starch multi-level structures in functional properties of high-amylose rice cultivars. Food Hydrocolloids, 113, 106441. (IF: 9.147; 二区, TOP)

  6. Huang, Y., Wu, P*., Ying, J., Dong, Z., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Mechanistic study on inhibition of porcine pancreatic α-amylase using the flavonoids from dandelion. Food Chemistry, 344, 128610. (IF: 7.514; 二区,TOP)

  7. Ding, M., Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Investigation of gastric disintegration of carrot during digestion in vitro by a Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance device. Journal of Food Engineering, 292, 110307. (IF: 5.354; 二区)

  8. Iqbal, S., Zhang, P., Wu, P*., Ge, A., Ge, F., Deng, R., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Evolutions of rheology, microstructure and digestibility of parboiled rice during simulated semi-dynamic gastrointestinal digestion. LWT, 148, 111700. (IF: 4.952; 二区)

  9. Ge, F., Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Evolutions of rheology, microstructure and starch hydrolysis of pumpkin‐enriched bread during simulated gastrointestinal digestion. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. (IF: 3.713; 三区)

  10. Wu, P., & Chen, X. D*. (2020). On designing biomimic in vitro human and animal digestion track models: ideas, current and future devices. Current Opinion in Food Science, 35, 10-19. (IF: 6.031; 二区)

  11. Li, C., Yu, W., Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D. (2020). Current in vitro digestion systems for understanding food digestion in human upper gastrointestinal tract. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 96, 114-126. (IF: 12.563; 一区, TOP, 高被引论文)

  12. Duan, X., Han, H., Deng, R., & Wu, P*. (2020). Drying treatments on Chinese yam (Dioscorea spp.) prior to wet milling influence starch molecular structures and physicochemical properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 102, 105599. (IF: 9.147; 二区, TOP)

  13. Wu, P., & Chen, X. D*. (2020). Comments on “A comparison of different physical stomach models and an ****ysis of shear stresses and strains in these system” by Zhong and Langrish (2020). Food Research International, 137, 109429. (IF: 6.475; 二区)

  14. Wu, P., & Chen, X. D*. (2020). Further comments on “A comparison of different physical stomach models and an ****ysis of shear stresses and strains in these system” by Zhong and Langrish (2020). Food Research International, 136, 109542. (IF: 6.475; 二区)

  15. Wang, J., Wu, P*., Liu, M., Liao, Z., Wang, Y., Dong, Z., & Chen, X. D*. (2019). An advanced near real dynamic in vitro human stomach system to study gastric digestion and emptying of beef stew and cooked rice. Food & Function, 10(5), 2914-2925. (IF: 5.396; 一区, TOP)

  16. Wu, P*., Li, C., Bai, Y., Yu, S., & Zhang, X. (2019). A starch molecular basis for aging-induced changes in pasting and textural properties of waxy rice. Food Chemistry, 284, 270-278. (IF: 7.514; 二区, TOP)

  17. Ahmed, S., Ru, W., Han, H., Cheng, L., Bian, X., Li, G., Jin, L., Wu, P*., & Bao, J*. (2019). Fine molecular structure and its effects on physicochemical properties of starches in potatoes grown in two locations. Food Hydrocolloids, 97, 105172. (IF: 9.147; 二区, TOP)

  18. Han, H., Zhang, H., Li, E., Li, C., & Wu, P*. (2019). Structural and functional properties of OSA-starches made with wide-ranging hydrolysis approaches. Food Hydrocolloids, 90, 132-145. (IF: 9.147; 二区, TOP)

Personal profile:

Dr. Peng Wu is currently a lecturer in Chemical and Environmental Engineering of College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CCCEMS), Soochow University. Dr. Wu received his Bachelor Degree in Food Science and Engineering at Jimei University (2011), and Ph.D in Biochemical Engineering at Xiamen University (2016). He also received Ph.D training as a joint Ph.D student in the Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences (CNAFS) at The University of Queensland (UQ) between 2014 and 2015, which was supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC). After obtaining Ph.D in June 2016, he started to work at UQ as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow until September 2018 when he joined Soochow University.

Dr. Wu’s research interest mainly lies in the development of in vitro bionic gastrointestinal models for tracking the structural and biochemical changes of foods or oral drug formulations when passing through the human digestive tract. Besides, he is interested in the survival of probiotics and the interaction of probiotics with various food products within the human gastrointestinal tract assessed by the in vitro models. During the postdoctoral research training at UQ, he mainly worked on the characterization of starch or other polysaccharides molecular structures from various plant sources for understanding the relationships between starch molecular structure and functional properties. Dr. Wu has published 45 papers in academic journals, such as Food Funct., Food Hydrocolloid., J. Food. Eng., Food Chem., Trends Food Sci. Technol., and about 10 conference papers till now. Two of his pioneering papers published in Food Hydrocolloid. and Trends Food Sci. Technol. are respectively recognized as “Top Cited Paper” in 2021. He has undertaken a general research project funded by the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China, and an industrial project supported by Xiao Dong Pro-health Co. Ltd., respectively. Dr. Wu has been serving as a reviewer for many international journals, including Food & Funct., J. Agri. Food Chem., Food Chem., J. Food Eng., etc. Recently, he has participated in preparing a book on dissolution technology for predicting in vivo performance of oral drug formulations.